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SBT’s Spring Break Recommendations: The Expected & Unexpected
Spring Break sneaks up on families quickly. While you’re laser-focused on holiday festivities, managing children who are off their routines, and (hopefully) enjoying a few days off work, everyone gets to January and naturally looks ahead to what the new year has in store for them. Travel plans float into your mind and you ask yourself, “When is the next school break? Let’s go somewhere.” And bam! You realize that you have 8 to 10 weeks to research, plan, and book a family vacation during a peak time for travel.
This phenomenon is called “wave season” in travel. In short, you are not alone. Millions of other people (with and without children) around the world turn over the calendar page to the new year and are ready to plan their vacations for the year within the first quarter. Sunkissed Bliss Travel is here to help you plan your trip no matter when it is, but we have some tricks up our sleeve for planning spring break on a tight timeline. We’ve got the industry knowledge and insider perks to turn your “let’s take a break” vacation into an unforgettable experience that will leave lasting memories for you and your family. Whether you want to get away for the entire week or a few nights, we can help. Here are some of our favorite spring break destinations for families.