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This is a place where we will share travel tips, industry news, and information on some of our favorite places around the world. We’d love your feedback as we begin creating this content for you.

From Oaxaca to Mexico City: A Women’s Trip for the Memory Books
I share all this to say that I am an experienced group traveler and a recovering summer camp kid. There’s nothing like forced proximity, new experiences, and exploring a destination that nurtures new friendships, increases empathy, and fosters an environment that is ripe for meaningful connections.
That’s why I’m incredibly excited about Come TogetHER IL’s spring trip to Central Mexico and grateful that they asked me to plan it for them. It doesn’t hurt that Central Mexico is a vibrant place, bursting with flavor, history, personality, art, and natural beauty.
A Hack for Multi-City Itineraries
If you're anything like me, you hear the words “group travel” or “organized tour” and you cringe. The phrases conjure images of giant tour buses laden with octogenarians and a peppy guide in uniform. But having recently experienced a 9-day escorted itinerary, I can personally attest that those stereotypes no longer apply to all tours. Better yet, there's a way to make this mode of travel work for you that you may have never considered before.

Group Golf Trips Grow in Popularity
Golf trips among male friends has been a popular group vacation for decades and as the boomers are retiring and their children are hitting their career stride, golf resorts are pulling out all the stops to impress multiple generations in this surging market.

Virgin Voyages
From the moment I started designing travel, I knew that I wanted to try Virgin Voyages. They are racking up awards left and right, shaking up the cruise industry, and I kept hearing that they are unlike any other cruise line on the market.
So when three of my girlfriends expressed the desire to take a trip together, it wasn’t hard to convince them to try a Virgin Voyages sailing with me. We sailed out of Miami on the Scarlet Lady and went to Key West and Bimini, The Bahamas. Here are some of things that set Virgin apart from the pack, or should I say fleet?